Ottawa Headshot Photographer | Jeff Clifford Photography

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When Things Fall Apart

Sometimes you can plan the perfect photoshoot, develop a concept, find the perfect model, location, clothing, props…everything. Then, it falls apart. The model isn’t available for the date you planned, the weather doesn’t agree with you, the lighting isn’t what you were hoping for. Lots of things can go wrong on the day of your shoot, so It’s important to be able to adapt. Plans are great, and you should certainly make them and try to stick to them, but sometimes the universe just doesn’t want to cooperate. In these cases it’s important to be able to not get frustrated, go with the flow and adapt your plans to your situation.

That’s exactly what happened on a recent shoot for me. Actually it happened twice within a week or two of eachother. Plans were made and circumstances changed. Most recently I had planned a photoshoot with a model named Crystal. The plan was to do a spring fashion type photoshoot in the Byward Market. Our first few attempts failed completely. One time the weather wasn’t looking good and we had to postpone and try again the week after. Then the model had to cancel because of prior engagements, and then finally when we did manage to find a time to shoot it rained. However. I was determined to do the photoshoot anyway and didn’t want to put it off any longer in case it just didn’t end up happening.

So, I got an umbrella, luckily it didn’t poor and we ended up getting some very cool shots. They weren’t what I had originally planned or had envisioned in my head, but I liked the results and still got some wonderful shots that worked with my spring theme in the end anyway. I had seriously considered canceling the photoshoot when I saw it would be raining, but I’m glad I didn’t. Sometimes getting out of ones comfort zone and working with the weather or the situation that is occurring can result in something just as good if not better than what you originally envisioned.